You can find on this page the Venice zipcodes map to print and to download in PDF. The Venice zip code map presents postal codes, address lookup and code list of Venice in Italy.

Venice postcodes map

Map of Venice zip codes

The Venice postcodes map shows all the zip codes of Venice. This zip code map of Venice will allow you to easily find postal codes and address lookup of Venice in Italy. The Venice postcode map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Venice has 14 postcodes as you can see in Venice postcodes map, the first two digits of the Italian postcode indicates the province. The third character of the Venice postcode represents the provincial capital itself. The main Venice postcodes started from 30100 to 30124 for Venice coordinated with the longitude and latitude of Venice city.

The district of Venice is Veneto. The County town of Venice is Venezia. Its population is about 259,150 inhabitants, while its area Code is 041. Venice Postcodes as its shown in Venice postcodes map are the following: 30100, 30100, 30121, 30122, 30123, 30124, 30125, 30126, 30131, 30132, 30133, 30135, 30141, 30173.

The city of Venice is divided into postal zones, that is the CAP (Italian postcode) changes according to street and often even street number as its mentioned in Venice postcodes map. The latitude of city of Venezia is 45.4345 and longitude of city of Venezia is 12.3384, Venice postcode is composed of five digit numbers which is 30100.